Check out our impressive catalog of landscape photographers & educators!
Welcome to our growing database of amazing photographers who have taught sessions in our Speaker Series! Click on their images to learn more about their session.

Wendy Bagnall
In "Authenticity and Vulnerability: A Path to Finding Personal Creativity in Photography”, this class will explore the themes of authenticity and vulnerability in photography, and how embracing these qualities can help us develop our own personal photographic style. Recommended activities will be shared, to help participants achieve personal creative growth.

Sean Bagshaw
Sean has joined us for two amazing sessions, "Photoshop Blending: Focus, Perspective and Dynamic Range" and "Seeing The Light: Learning About Light And How To Work With It".

Alister Benn
In "Understanding the Landscape - The Emotional Language of Vision", Alister offers new ways to help creatives connect the dots in new ways.
Alister will be joining us in our brand new International Speaker series. Join us for “The Creative Paradigm: The "You" in Photography!”

Eric Bennett
Eric has joined us for two amazing sessions, "Adding by Subtracting: The Art of Exclusion" and “Listen to the Light". Eric shows how to make remarkable photographs at any given time of day.

Theo Bosboom
In "The Art of Intimate Landscapes", Theo shows us skills like, the art of seeing, how to achieve a balanced composition, how to incorporate moving elements, and so much more.
Theo will be joining us again for “Seascapes: The Intertidal Zone” in May 2025. This is not to be missed!

Joshua Cripps
Joshua has joined us for two amazing sessions, "Stop Being a 1-Dimensional Photographer!" and “Telephoto Landscapes." Josh teaches how to harness the power of your telephoto lens in order to tell more effective visual stories.

Chrissy Donadi
In "Photography Workflow Revolution: Unlocking Lightroom Classic's Full Potential", Chrissy offers insights into tailoring Lightroom Classic to fit your unique needs. We'll explore the art of efficient organization, making the most of Lightroom's capabilities, and streamlining post-processing.

Albert Dros
In "Color & Depth in Landscape Photography", Albert will show us his post-processing techniques, including but not limited to how to make your photos look vibrant and saturated, but not cross a certain edge, how to work with colour contrast & harmony and how to use different white balances in one photo.

David duChemin
David has joined us for two sessions, "A Wilder Voice, Wildlife: Photographs That Are More Than Just Good" and “Photographic Storytelling: Hooking the Heart & the Imagination.” David teaches the ideas and techniques that make our photographs not only more compelling, and memorable, but explore and express our own perspectives and experiences of the wild.

Michael Frye
Frye has joined us for two powerful sessions, "Range Mask & Local Adjustments in Lightroom" and “A Sense of Mystery." Michael shows simple, yet dynamic, techniques to make your photographs come to life!

Huibo Hou
Huibo has joined us for two incredible sessions, "Getting to the Essence in B&W" and "Elevating the Visual and Emotional Impact of Landscape Photography in B&W." Huibo's classes are designed to inspire you towards creating impactful black and white images.

Brooks Jensen
Brooks has joined us for two amazing sessions “B&W's Cousin: Toned Monochrome Images" and "The Power of Projects: Beyond the Single Image." Jensen teachs methods that match the image content to the toned aesthetic and how to effectively choose their best images, refine them through thoughtful editing, and create a compelling narrative through sequencing.

Sarah Marino
Sarah has joined us for three amazing sessions, “The Expansive Mindset”, "Black & White: Bold Interpretations" and "Abstractions: Seeking Mystery in the Natural World." She teaches us how to take an "expansive view" of photography.

Charles Needle
Charles has joined us for two amazing sessions "Abstract & Expressionist Photography: Crafting Painterly Masterpieces In-Camera" and “Creative iPhone Photography." Charles teaches us how to transform everyday scenes into visual masterpieces using your smartphone.

Ian Plant
Ian has joined us for three inspiring sessions "Anatomy of a Grand Landscape Photograph", “How to Take Amazing Drone Photos" and "Making Artistic Wildlife Photographs." Ian teaches us how to make compelling grand landscape compositions.

Guy Tal
Guy has joined us for two amazing sessions, "Creativity and Expression in Photography" and "Be Extraordinary." There is so much to learn from Guy, as he continues to reinvent his work and connection to the natural environment.

Cole Thompson
Cole has joined us for two dynamic sessions, "Why B&W: Follow your Vision" with John Barclay and "Vision, Passion & Projects." Learn key ingredients of vision and passion in building projects, offer insights on how to generate ideas, and reveal the rules behind creating compelling portfolios.

Margaret Soraya
Join Soraya for her inspiring talk “Finding Your Unique Style in Photography." Learn how to uncover your unique creative voice through self-discovery, mindfulness, and photography, as she shares her journey to authenticity and offers steps to help you embrace your passions and craft meaningful work.
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