Confidently express the sharpness within your images.
One of the greatest compliments we can receive as a photographer is “You have a great eye” but does that bring us to life as much as “Your images are so sharp?”. Sharpness in our images is achieved not by chance or luck but by understanding the principles of how our camera focuses, how our lenses see sharpness, and then how we process our images to preserve detail and enhance the areas of most importance.
What The Class Include

7 Follow Along Lessons
Covering the tools and ways to improve the sharpness in your images.

2 Hours of Class Instruction.
Something for everyone at every skill level that they can apply to their work.

Course Downloads
Workflows for how to do this work on your own..

Unlimited Access
Download the videos, or access form any internet connected device anywhere.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If for any reason it is not a fit, no problem!